Dear D1’s,
As a pre-dental student, getting into dental school is the goal. You work so hard, put in a lot of time and sacrifice certain things in life to achieve this dream you have. Then, you get into a school and you feel on top of the world! However, the challenges won’t rest there. Everyone faces challenges in dental school and will face different challenges throughout those four years. As a D1 those may include the academic course load, being away from family, close friends or significant others, balancing academics, social life and your well-being and many more. Nevertheless, you will realize how resilient you are throughout this first year.
As I reflect back on D1 there were definitely a lot of late-night study sessions, stress, caffeine intake and definitely some tears shed. However, what I gained was a vast amount of knowledge learned through lecture and lab, the power of practice and patience, amazing friends and many incredible New York City adventures. In terms of didactics, some classes are harder than others. I can’t really sit here and type out what classes were the hardest because I may think a certain class was hard while someone else may have found it easy. It’s really to each their own. Do your best and be proud of what your best is. Lab is where the fun is! You get to finally work with your hands and feel like a dental student. I remember using the high speed handpiece for the first time and it was definitely a little trickier than I had imagined it would be. If you find yourself not creating the perfect preps at first don’t worry, it is all just practice.
Here are a couple of thoughts I wanted to share and hopefully it will serve as some friendly tokens during your first year. First of all, don’t compare yourself to your peers. It is so easy to do so, especially at our school that it is bursting with brilliant, talented students and big dreamers. You may look at yourself and feel that you’re not doing enough, not getting the best grades, etc. You should be proud of your whole journey throughout dental school but especially during D1. Whether you’re coming to dental school straight from undergrad, from a master’s program or a couple or many years out of school, there is a huge learning curve that everyone is going to go through.
You should be proud of yourself with how much knowledge and new skills you were able to learn through that first year and beyond. When you’re able to focus on yourself and “do you,” you gain this confidence that no one can take away from you. Another major thing is to keep your mental health in check. We are all here to reach our dreams of becoming exceptional healthcare professionals and hope to become the best dentists we can be. So, with that comes a great sense of putting our education first. However, try to find that balance between education and your mental health. Your mental health is incredibly important. You may find yourself in a routine; such as wake up, eat, study, have lab, eat again, shower, sleep and repeat. Dental school is challenging and at times, you’ll find yourself studying all day or in lab all day and forget to take time out for yourself. It’ll become such a routine that taking time off may feel guilty, but don’t let it make you feel that way! You deserve to take breaks and enjoy life while conquering the challenges in/of dental school. Go on walks, spend time with friends and family, try new cuisines, read some books, play sports, experience the amazing things New York City has to offer, always make time for whatever you enjoy doing!
D1 is filled with new experiences, new challenges and new opportunities. Embrace the bad and the good, grow from mistakes and be comfortable when things don’t go your way. Helen Hayes said, “The expert in anything was once a beginner.” You have come this far and you will go even further. Stay positive, work hard, and seek advice and help when needed. Most importantly though, be proud of yourself throughout this journey.
A D2.
